Easy way to get
Better Grades
Easy way to get
Better Grades
Easy way to get
Better Grades
Online Learning App
for school students
Online Learning App
for school students
Online Learning App
for school students

Pandai helped
Pandai helped
Malaysian students practise
Malaysian students practise
and complete
and complete
questions since January 2020
questions since January 2020
Pandai helped
Pandai helped
Malaysian students practise
Malaysian students practise
and complete
and complete
questions since January 2020
questions since January 2020
Primary Student

Saya menggunakan
pandai untuk
mengulangkaji dan
membuat latihan, Saya
juga suka mencabar diri
saya di Pandai untuk
mendapatkan skor
Saya menggunakan pandai untuk mengulangkaji dan membuat latihan, Saya juga suka mencabar diri saya di Pandai untuk mendapatkan skot tertinggi
Saya menggunakan pandai untuk mengulangkaji dan membuat latihan, Saya juga suka mencabar diri saya di Pandai untuk mendapatkan skot tertinggi
Primary Student

Saya menggunakan pandai untuk mengulangkaji pelajaran di rumah. Pandai memberi peluang kepada pelajar untuk belajar dari kesilapan. Terima kasih pandai!
Saya menggunakan pandai untuk mengulangkaji pelajaran di rumah. Pandai memberi peluang kepada pelajar untuk belajar dari kesilapan. Terima kasih pandai!
Secondary Student

Saya suka menghadiri kelas Live Tuition Pandai! Para tutor yang mengajar dalam kelas semuanya menarik dan sangat membantu. Saya senang faham dan hadam apa yang mereka ajarkan.
Saya suka menghadiri kelas Live Tuition Pandai! Para tutor yang mengajar dalam kelas semuanya menarik dan sangat membantu. Saya senang faham dan hadam apa yang mereka ajarkan.
Saya suka menghadiri kelas Live Tuition Pandai! Para tutor yang mengajar dalam kelas semuanya menarik dan sangat membantu. Saya senang faham dan hadam apa yang mereka ajarkan.
Primary Student

Ciri dalam Pandai yang paling saya suka ialah Kuiz kerana ia bukan sahaja memberi jawapan yang betul, tetapi juga menyediakan penerangan untuk setiap soalan
Ciri dalam Pandai yang paling saya suka ialah Kuiz kerana ia bukan sahaja memberi jawapan yang betul, tetapi juga menyediakan penerangan untuk setiap soalan
Ciri dalam Pandai yang paling saya suka ialah Kuiz kerana ia bukan sahaja memberi jawapan yang betul, tetapi juga menyediakan penerangan untuk setiap soalan
Secondary Student

Saya menggunakan semua fungsi yg terdapat dalam PANDAI untuk membantu saya dalam persediaan SPM. Selepas menggunakan Pandai keputusan peperiksaan saya sangat cemerlang dan bertambah baik!
Saya menggunakan semua fungsi yg terdapat dalam PANDAI untuk membantu saya dalam persediaan SPM. Selepas menggunakan Pandai keputusan peperiksaan saya sangat cemerlang dan bertambah baik!
Primary Student

Saya menggunakan pandai untuk mengulangkaji pelajaran di rumah. Pandai memberi peluang kepada pelajar untuk belajar dari kesilapan. Terima kasih pandai!
Primary Student
Saya menggunakan semua fungsi yg terdapat dalam PANDAI untuk membantu saya dalam persediaan SPM. Selepas menggunakan Pandai keputusan peperiksaan saya sangat cemerlang dan bertambah baik!

Experience the future of learning
with Ask PBot, your AI study buddy
Experience the future of learning with Ask PBot, your AI study buddy

What other Students, Parents, & Teachers
say after using Pandai?
What other Students, Parents
& Teachers say after
using Pandai?
What other Students,
Parents, & Teachers
ay after using Pandai?

Score Better
with Competition Practices
Score Better
with Competition Practices
Gain access to various academic competition questions to improve your chances at scoring greater marks!
Gain access to various academic competition questions to improve your chances at scoring greater marks!

Score Better
with Competition Practices
Gain access to various academic competition questions to improve your chances at scoring greater marks!

Pandai App Top Features for Students
Pandai App Top Features for Students
Pandai App Top Features for Students
Learn in a fun tuition classes by experienced tutors in group tuition and 1-on-1 tuition
Learn in a fun tuition classes by experienced tutors in group tuition and 1-on-1 tuition
Learn in a fun online
tuition classes by
experienced tutors.
Compete in a quiz games against your friends all over Malaysia.
Compete in a quiz games
against your friends all over Malaysia
Compete in a quiz games
against your friends all over
Understanding challenging topics with simplified enjoyable notes.
Understanding challenging
topics with simplified
enjoyable notes.
Understanding challenging
topics with simplified
enjoyable notes.
Practice and prepare for tests on different topics & subjects.
Practice and prepare for
test on different topics &
Practice and prepare for
test on different topics &
Score & see how you rank compared to other students.
Score & see how you rank
compared to other students.
Score & see how you rank
compared to other
Track your progress & see how you're doing in each subject.
Track your progress & see
how you're doing in each
Track your progress & see
how you're doing in each
Get A+ with Pandai Tutors
Score with ease with the help of our amazing tutors through Online Tuition. Pack
yourself A with a thorough understanding of basic topics for each subject and
get ready to rock your upcoming academic journey!

Get A+ with Pandai Tutors
Score with ease with the help of our amazing tutors through Online Tuition. Pack
yourself A with a thorough understanding of basic topics for each subject and
get ready to rock your upcoming academic journey!

Get A+ with Pandai Tutors
Score with ease with the help of our
amazing tutors through Live Tuition.
Pack yourself A with a thorough
understanding of basic topics
for each subject and get ready
to rock your upcoming academic journey!

Keep up to date with Pandai
Join our Young Pandai Telegram Channel!
Keep up to date with Pandai
Join our Young Pandai
Telegram Channel!
Keep up to date with Pandai
Join our Young Pandai Telegram Channel!
For Students
Learn at your own pace and get the content you need.
Make learning fun and engaging with tuitions, quizzes,
test & quick notes.
See how you're doing and identify areas to improve.
Earn rewards for your hard work.
For Students
Learn at your own pace and get the content you need.
Make learning fun and engaging with tuitions, quizzes,
test & quick notes.
See how you're doing and identify areas to
Earn rewards for your hard work.
For Students
Learn at your own pace and get
the content you need.
Make learning fun and engaging
with tuitions, quizzes, tests & quick
See how you're doing and identify
areas to improve.
Earn rewards for your hard work.
For Parents
See how your child is doing and identify areas to improve
Help your child stay motivated and achieve their goals.
Keep track of fees and make sure your child is getting
the most out of the app.
Get help from the Pandai team when you need it.
Set Targets
Get Support
For Parents
See how your child is doing and identify areas to improve
Help your child stay motivated and achieve their
Keep track of fees and make sure your child is
getting the most out of the app.
Get help from the Pandai team when you need it.
For Parents
See how your child is doing and
identify areas to improve.
Help your child stay motivated and
achieve their goals.
Keep track of fees and make sure
your child is getting the most out
of the app.
Get help from the Pandai team
when you need it.
For Teachers
Save time & Tailor quizzes to your students' needs.
Upskill your knowledge and stay up-to-date on the latest
teaching methods.
Plan the most appropriate learning activities for students
Join a Teacher Community for Programs & Activities.
Quiz Builder
For Teachers
Save time & tailor quizzes to your students' needs.
Upskill your knowledge and stay up-to-date on
the latest teaching methods.
Plan the most appropriate learning activities for
Join a Teacher Community for Programs & Activities.
For Teachers
Save time & tailor quizzes to your
students' needs.
Upskill your knowledge and stay
up-to-date on the latest teaching
Plan the most appropriate
learning activities for students
Join a Teacher Community for
Program & Activities

Join Pandai Now
Don't get left behind. More
students are
learning something new
with Pandai every day.

Join Pandai Now
Don't get left behind.
More than
students are learning
something new with
Pandai every day.
Join Pandai Now
Don't get left behind. More than
students are learning something new
with Pandai every day.